Whatsapp Automations
Get the most from Whatsapp and boost your business.
Whatsapp Messages
The Wchatbot app allows you easily to set up a default response which will be sent to users if the bot hasn't a reply based on the users messages.
Quick Replies
Automations Wchatbot allows to create almost in same way the Quick Replies. The Quick Replies will be sent to the people which are contacting you. The Quick Replies will be sent based on the keywords accuracy.
Send DM
Automations Wchatbot allows to send direct messages to the Whatsapp Numbers. It is able to send a message to one or multiple phone numbers.

Play with Wchatbot
Quality Services
Direct Messages
You can just send a message first.
P.S We offer this service to the most valuable accounts.
Real Time
The Live Location feature allows you to share your real-time location for a specific amount of time with the participants of an individual or group chat.
Quick Replies
The new feature enables users to reply to contacts with saved messages. The feature is available to select users on WhatsApp Business and it is both featured on Android and iOS systems.
With the Whatsapp Sender app you could send messages with both text, emojis, links, images and videos content. It's easy and the messages are sent at the time which you prefer.
Whatsapp network for InboxAll app supports the text messages from Whatsapp, images and videos. For stickers Whatsapp don't provides any data and for this reason you will see the word (sticker) instead the sticker.
CSV Quick Replies
In the CRM Chatbot app for Twilio the quick replies could be created one by one or imported from a CSV file. The quick replies are used to reply automatically the received Whatsapp messages.